Hythe and Waterside Terms & Conditions
Welcome to the website of Hythe and Waterside Lettings Ltd and Hythe and Waterside Properties Ltd – terms used can include, we, Hythe and Waterside Estate & Letting Agents or Hythe and Waterside Lettings, Hythe and Waterside Estate Agents. When using this website you are agreeing to adhere to the terms and conditions of the website alongside its privacy policy.
Our company registration number is as follows:
Hythe and Waterside Lettings is the trading name of Hythe and Waterside Lettings Ltd. Registered in England and Wales. Reg No. 08456543 Registered Office: 7 Hayters Court, Griggs Lane, Brockenhurst, SO42 7PG.
Hythe and Waterside Estate Agents is a subsidiary of Hythe and Waterside Properties Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Reg No. 5536780. Registered Office: 7 Hayters Court, Griggs Lane, Brockenhurst, SO42 7PG.
Use of this website is entirely at your own risk for which we cannot be liable for.
Website Content
Although care has been taken to make sure all information, descriptions and photographs within our website are up to date and accurate, we cannot guarantee this and cannot take responsibility for any errors within. Hard copies of particulars can be requested via our contacts page.
All contents within our website are subject to change without prior notice.
All content within our website are for information purposes only and use is not permitted for any other business related purposes without direct authorisation from its owner. This includes all floor plans, photographs and property descriptions. Permission is given to print, copy and electronically transmit details but strictly for non-business related purposes only.
Third Party Websites
Within our website are various links to third party websites. Those links are provided for your convenience only and are not directly part of Hythe and Waterside Lettings Ltd or Hythe and Waterside Properties Ltd. No responsibility will be taken in any circumstances towards any dealings with these sites and it is advised that you independently read individual website terms and conditions along with its privacy policies.
Contact Page
When submitting your details for information via our contacts page and brochure/details request you are agreeing for Hythe and Waterside Estate and Letting Agents to contact you via post, email, phone, sms or any other future methods available. If after this you no longer wish to be contacted by us you can email us on sales@www.hytheandwaterside.com and ask to be removed from either our sales or lettings database.
Privacy Policy
The privacy policy found on our website forms part of our terms and conditions. By using this site you are agreeing to these terms.